The Model ABHW-4BZ audible base from Siemens Industry, Inc. consists of a standard base combined with an audible device. It is an intelligent supervised audible base which provides 6 selectable tone patterns, 2 volume levels and 2 different power types for alarm (loop power or external power) by using system configuration tool when ABHW-4BZ used with the FD-UL compatible detectors (refer to “Compatible fire alarm control panels”, “Compatible detector ”,“Detector Placement” and “Tone and Volume Selection”). The ABHW4BZ audible bases in the same device loop are fully synchronized with FD-UL detectors and also support RL-HC, RL-HW remote lamp. The ABHW-4BZ provides Steady, Temporal 3, Temporal 4, Temporal 4 low power, March time 120 and Canadian March time 30.