Smoke Detector MATCH! Service

Introducing a revolutionary way for commercial buildings, campuses, industrial sites, and government-owned facilities to save incredible amounts of money on maintaining their fire alarm systems.

The officers at, with more than 350 years of combined experience, have created a new smoke detector “MATCH” Service directly for you.’s “MATCH” service combines unprecedented service with tremendous savings.

It’s very simple: Say you have thirty (30) smoke detectors and two (2) duct detectors that all require maintenance, our brand-new “MATCH” service will provide you with exactly the same quantity of smoke and duct devices that you already have and own in your building or facility.

Instead of wasting time cleaning & testing your existing smoke devices, and expending funds unnecessarily on technician man-power, programming, etc. – our “MATCH” service will simply switch the dirty devices that require cleaning with brand-new, or previously cleaned, programmed & tested devices.

By doing this, saves you an estimated 70% of the price of performing regular maintenance on your building’s fire alarm system. Rest assured that your existing devices will be removed, placed in protective cartons, and taken back to our testing facilities, where they will be cleaned, tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s and code requirements, and will then be ready for your next regularly-scheduled maintenance. Once the next maintenance rolls around, our “MATCH” procedure will be done in reverse, and your original, now-clean, devices will be re-installed, working just like new!

The advantages you will have by utilizing’s “MATCH” service will be incomparable to any other fire alarm service ever created before.

Here are just a small list of the benefits that’s “MATCH” service will give you:

Join the fire alarm system maintenance revolution today with our “MATCH” service, right here at!


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