Fike FCP-75 Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel


The FCP‐75 is an Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Communicator. The FCP‐75 has a single signaling line circuit (SLC) loop for connecting up to 75 sensors and 75 modules per loop (FIK IDP device protocol). The overall point capacity is limited to a maximum of 150 points per panel.

The FCP‐75 has the interconnection capability for up to 32 panels. The system has two modes of operation: multiple panels covering one larger building or multiple independent buildings. To network panels together, use the FIK‐NIC network interface card. Copper wire or fiber optic cable panel connectivity can be used within the same networked system.


Max IDP Devices

75 Detectors | 75 Modules

Voice Evacuation


Power Supply




Signal Booster & Utility Boxes



Surface or flush-mount

Compatible Devices


Fiber Module, single‐mode



Fiber Module, multi‐mode


Fike FIK-RPS1000HV

High Voltage Power Supply; 1000PT


Fike FIK-5865-3

LED Annunciator 15 Zone


Fike FIK-6815

SLC Loop Expander for SK & IDP Devices


Fike FIK-5883

Relay Driver Board; Used for 5880


Fike FIK-5880

LED Driver Module w/ 8 Inputs


Fike FIK-5824

Serial Parallel Interface


Case Studies

Fire Alarm System Requirements for Health Care Facilities

In the NFPA 101 and NFPA 5000 occupancy classification, hospitals are an occupancy whose primary purpose is medical care or...

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Gas Detection System in a Commercial Kitchen

As of February 2024, New York has enacted Local Law 157, which requires the installation of natural gas detectors in...

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Fire Alarm System Requirements For Schools

Preparing for a disaster is not only the best practice, but mandated by law. In schools, you are required to...

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