The AX-CTL-4 provides four SLC circuits. Communications to field devices attached to the SLCs is via an advanced, 100% digital protocol with advantages of being highly immune to noisy environments and will operate over non-shielded cable without causing interference problems with sensitive electronic equipment. Each SLC supports up to 126 analog addressable devices (any combination of intelligent detectors, input and/or output devices, including loop powered technology devices). In addition, our unique sub-addressing of various input and/or output devices permits expanding system capacities further
Each AX-CTL-1L, AX-CTL-2 or AX-CTL-4 intelligent panel has resettable and non-resettable power outputs each rated .5 Amp @ 24 VDC, for connection to four-wire conventional smoke detectors and/or ancillary devices. In addition, each panel (AX-CTL-1L, AX-CTL-2, and AX- CTL-4) contains three, field programmable, Form “C” relay contacts rated 1 Amp @ 30 VDC, defaulted as a fail-safe trouble relay, alarm relay, and supervisory relay.