The AGF COLLECTanDRAIN Model 5400 is a fully assembled auxiliary drain (drum drip, low-point drain) designed to collect moisture that condenses in dry and pre-action fire sprinkler systems, while minimizing the system’s air pressure loss when draining. The Model 5400 is designed to safeguard the auxiliary drain from colder temperatures, preventing costly system freezeups. The heated and insulated, locking steel cabinet shelters the auxiliary drain, heating element, and control panel from exterior elements. The internal heater features a thermostat that operates only when needed, reducing energy use while maintaining a temperature safely above freezing. An external temperature gauge allows operators to monitor the cabinet’s internal temperature without having to open the cabinet. The Model 5400H includes a Hot Operation Trouble (HOT) Monitor that tracks the heater’s on/off cycles and compares that information against it’s own internal thermostat to make sure the heater is performing correctly. The auxiliary drain features a float switch that monitors water levels. When the water’s level reaches capacity the float switch activates an audible alarm and flashes a visual alert, this helps notify personnel that draining is required. The Model 5400 can be wired to the BMS or fire control panel for remote notification. For systems that need real-time notification the Model 5400D includes a Auto-Dialer that provides a personalized notification for up to four telephone numbers.