QuickStart option cards provide a wide range of features and extra system capacity. Thanks to the convenient Quick-Lok mounting system, option cards snap onto the DIN mounting rails easily and securely. Wallboxes are available in two sizes with room for either five or 12 single-space option cards. Both sizes of wallbox feature easily-accessible mounting rails and plenty of room for cabling.
The SL30 and SL30-1 provide thirty circuits for zone annunciation. Each circuit comprises two LEDs and push button switch. The SL30 push button switches are numbered from 1 to 30 and the SL30-1 push button switches are numbered from 31 to 60. The SL20L5S provides 20 circuits for point annunciation and five circuits for custom control functions. The SL30L provides 30 circuits for point annunciation. SL20L5S and SL30L circuits are labeled using inserts provided with the cards.
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