The EVX-4Z / EVX-2ZA are modules intended for use with the EVAX 25/50. Their purpose is to enable the output of the EVAX 25/50 to be split into multiple zones for paging and alarm selection. The modules accept input from the EVAX 25/50 speaker output and utilizing selectable output relays distribute the output to the individual zones. The modules may be cascaded to increase the number of zones. The modules provide supervision of the individual zones for either open or short conditions. Indicator LEDs display active or fault condition for the individual zones. Fault condition is reported to the FACP through the same supervisory path as the EVAX 25/50. Zones may be selected manually by switches or through pull-down inputs. In the event of an alarm condition, module defaults to an All-Call. All-Call feature may only be overridden if accompanying panel has zone control features.