Fike Clean Agent Fire Suppression containers with FK-5-1-12 agent are provided with a pressure gauge (P/N 02-15807) to indicate the internal container pressure.
The pressure gauge scale is calibrated to show the actual pressure and is color-coded to show operating range, under-pressure range, and overpressure range.
This gauge can be removed or replaced on a charged container without removing the agent first. This port works by allowing a small controlled amount of leakage past its internal threads. This provides enough flow to operate the pressure gauge while being small enough to allow the gauge to be removed safety.
The pressure gauge is installed on the container at the factory before the container is filled / shipped.
The container pressure is checked as a part on the installation procedure. The gauge should read 500 psig at 70°F (34.5 bar at 21°C). For temperatures other than 70°F (21°C), reference Figure 1 – Temperature vs. Pressure Chart.