The Honeywell RM7888A Relay Module is a microprocessor-based integrated burner control for industrial process semi-automatically fired gas, oil, coal or combination fuels for single and multiple burner industrial applications. The RM7888 system consists of the relay module, wiring subbase and amplifier. Options include keyboard display module (KDM), Modbus™ module, Data ControlBus™ Module, and remote display mounting. The RM7888 intended use is in conjunction with a master system control. The master system control determines the purge timing and confirms air supply and air flow. The RM7888 is programmed to provide a level of safety, functional capability and features beyond the capacity of conventional controls. The basic functions of the RM7888A include semi-automatic burner startup sequencing, five user selectable operating (run) sequences, four line voltage sequence control inputs (commonly controlled with a Programmable Logic Controller [PLC]), flame supervision, system status indication, system or self-diagnostics and troubleshooting.
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