The NOTIFIER NH-100(A) Series thermal detectors are addressable sensors that use a state-of-the-art thermistor sensing circuit for fast response. These sensors provide open area protection and are intended for use with FireWarden Series (FireWarden-100-2 and FireWarden-50) and Spartan (NSP-25) addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). The NH-100(A) and NH-100R(A) sensors provide fixed temperature alarm detection at 135°F (57°C). The NH-100R(A) sensor also responds to rate-of-rise conditions of greater than 15°F (8.3°C) per minute. The NH-100H(A) is a fixed high-temperature detector that activates at 190°F (88°C). These thermal detectors provide addressable property protection in a variety of applications.