Today’s modern buildings demand that a sprinkler not only provide the best fire protection but also achieve an attractive appearance. Reliable’s Model G Recessed Sprinkler meets both criteria. It combines the fire fighting capability of a proven sprinkler with the smallest practicable recessing unit. Its small profile does not disrupt the overhead aesthetics, and yet one vertical glance upward gives a visual assurance of the finest in fire protection, an automatic sprinkler system.
The Model G Recessed Sprinkler’s threaded two-piece construction makes initial field installation a very easy task. It allows ceilings panels to be removed without shutting down the fire protection thus facilitating maintenance of above ceiling services. The adjustable one inch NPT inlet versions have one and one half inches of adjustment which eliminates both the normally required reducing coupling and the need to accurately cut drop nipples. This sprinkler can be adjusted after the ceiling is in place and even while the system is pressurized eliminating the final corrections to pipe hangers or ceilings that might otherwise be required.
The Reliable Model G Automatic Sprinkler is the heart of the Recessed Sprinkler. This sprinkler utilizes the center strut solder in compression principle of construction. The fusible alloy, captured in the cylinder of a small solder capsule by stainless steel ball, acts as the trigger of the sprinkler. When the fusible alloy melts, the sprinkler operating parts sprinkler free from the sprinkler clearing the waterway and allowing the deflector to distribute the discharging water.