Simplex addressable beam detectors provide smoke detection in areas with high ceilings or large, open spaces where it’s either impractical or not cost-effective to use traditional point-type sensors. Beam detectors can be mounted on walls and span large distances, making them an ideal solution for warehouses, airports, atriums, convention centers, shopping malls, auditoriums, and sports arenas. Our FIRERAY 5000-based solution features an auto-aligning, self-correcting infrared beam smoke detector. Up to two detector heads can report to a single ground-level controller. Installation, calibration, and service are quick and easy, and the AutoOptimise feature automatically adjusts the beam to accommodate changes in temperature, building settling and other factors. Addressable beam detectors are intelligent devices with a built-in connection to the Simplex IDNet sensor network, allowing them to communicate with the control unit for easier configuration, installation, service, and maintenance.
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