
AMP-700 Series: Addressable Contact Modules

The Addressable Multiplexed Loop (AML) provides the ultimate in simple, flexible and affordable zone expansion. Save time and money by connecting any addressable detector anywhere on the two-wire AML loop to create up to 128 addressable zones. Addressable contact modules (AMP-700 series) use a two-wire connection to the control panel to help reduce installation time and cost. The low current draw of the modules helps maximize the number of devices that can be attached to an addressable loop. To monitor both alarm and tamper states, the modules incorporate a magnetic contact and an internal tamper.

Door/Window Contact with Normally Closed Input
Mfr. Part #: AMP-701
SKU: 50761
Availability: In Stock


Fire Point Module with Normally Open, EOL Resistor Supervised Input
Mfr. Part #: AMP-702
SKU: 50760
Availability: Please Call for Availability

Addressable Loop Repeater/Isolator Module
Mfr. Part #: AMX-400
SKU: 50750
Availability: Please Call for Availability

4-Zone Normally Open Fire Input Module
Mfr. Part #: AMP-704
SKU: 50755
Availability: Please Call for Availability

Door/Window Contact with Built-in Reed Switch
Mfr. Part #: AMP-700
SKU: 50762
Availability: Please Call for Availability